
Vi bruger vores mange år i EPS/EPP-branchen på at udvikle nye produkter og optimerede løsninger til vores kunder, så de kan forbedre deres produktion. Men vi deler også ud af den her på vores hjemmeside, hvor du kan læse om projekter, vi arbejder på, og nyheder fra vores hovedkontor i Grindsted, Danmark.  

EPS Moulding with CoreLess Technology

EPS Moulding with CoreLess Technology

More Energy Efficiency with CoreLess Technology For companies in the particle foam processing market, CoreLess technology offers a sustainable and highly efficient solution. Designed to deliver maximum quality, fast cycle times, and significant energy savings,...

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New International Sales Manager

New International Sales Manager

Welcoming Our New International Sales Manager We are thrilled to announce the appointment of our new International Sales Manager, Torben Hehr, who brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to our team. With an great background in international sales, Torben is...

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Advancing EPS and EPP Recycling

Advancing EPS and EPP Recycling

with our solutions 98% of your EPS/EPP can be recycled   In today's environmentally conscious world, the need for effective recycling solutions has never been more critical. At CK-Teknik A/S, we are proud to be at the forefront of innovation in the recycling industry,...

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